Artistic / Mystic
What are Starseeds?
This guide breaks down exactly what star seeds are, where they come from, and their types.
Types of Spiritual Protection
The many ways you can spiritually protect yourself and the common denominator that makes them work.
Psychic Hygiene Pt. 4: A Guide to Cord Cutting
How much do you really know about cord cutting? Learn how spiritual cords work, how to identify them, and effective methods for cutting them.
Psychic Hygiene Pt. 3: The Trick to Meditation
Meditating can feel…intimidating. Here’s how you may be setting the bar too high, and how to meditate — the easy way.
Psychic Hygiene Pt. 2: A Guide to Grounding
What do you think you know about grounding? Here’s a comprehensive guide on the scientific and spiritual benefits of grounding.
Psychic Hygiene Pt. 1: A Guide to Shielding
How much do you really know about shielding? This is for both beginners and experienced practitioners alike — welcome to your all-in-one source for shielding and advanced techniques you’ve likely never heard of before.
A Basic Guide to the Afterlife
The rundown on what the afterlife is and the difference between types of spirits.
The Twin Flame Survival Guide
A deep dive into the twin flame experience and how to not just survive — but thrive.
The Problem With Spiritual Gaslighting
How to avoid accidental spiritual gaslighting and the spiritual truth behind trauma.
Common Psychic Mistakes
Here are some common psychic mistakes and breaking down arguments some use to continue making them.
Shadow Work: Healing the Shadow Self
What is “shadow work? Despite the term’s intimidation factor, shadow work is a must if you want to grow spiritually.
Church of the Salt Bath
I am the walking-talking, living-breathing, High Priestess of the Church of the Salt Bath in all of my salinated glory — and here’s why.
Spiritual Growth Through Social Distancing
This pandemic has impacted us all in some way — but we can learn some valuable spiritual lessons if we take advantage of it correctly.
The Truth About Twin Flames
What is a twin flame? How do you know you’ve met your twin? Are you a runner? A chaser? Here’s a guide to help you better understand it all.
Beginner's Guide to Crystals
Understanding the metaphysics of stones, minerals and crystals can be intimidating. Here’s your quick & dirty guide to getting to know them better.