2025 Predictions


Happy New Year!

Time flies when you’re having fun — or, as I’d like to say, time flies when you live in interesting times. This past year was no exception! 2024 felt like a strength test. It was a year of overcoming self-made limitations while learning to respect the divinity in things as they are.

This past year was a leap year; the Olympics happened, and in November, the US elections ended. Speaking of election years, I learned something very important about them: The economy is always slower during an election year. I asked clients and friends alike who worked in various industries — they all said the same thing — their industry was slower in 2024. Let’s hope that means 2025 will be both busier and more prosperous!

One more thing I’d like to mention before leaping into the predictions: believe nothing, entertain possibilities. Don’t ever put belief into something a psychic says, because that’s how you give your power away. Only entertain possibilities.

2025 Numerology Forecast

Numerology is a form of divination that uses numbers. Numerologists (those who study Numerology) believe these numbers hold frequencies. Numerology is an old form of divination dating back to Pythagoras (yes, the one who invented the Pythagorean Theorem), who was just as much a mystic as he was a mathematician. Current forms of divination are even influenced by Numerology, such as Tarot and even Angel Numbers.

Two types of Numerology matter when using it to divine: your “personal” year number and the “collective” year number. We all have our own unique “life path” numbers that are associated with our unique personalities. There is also an annual number that changes for each of us from year to year to help us understand our individual numerological “themes” for the upcoming year.

In addition to this, there is an annual number that carries the themes for the collective. That number for 2025 is 9. This is because numerology is calculated by adding the numerals of any given number until it is “boiled down” to a single digit. To calculate the numerology for 2025, we add the numerals. So, you would add them as follows: 2+0+2+5 = 9.

The Meaning of 9

Nines in Numerology represent endings, finality, wisdom, culmination, and conclusions. Nines are the oldest and most mature out of the number frequencies before we get into master numbers (double numbers that aren’t “boiled down” to single digits because they are considered sacred — such as 11, 22, 33, etc…). Nines can also represent attainment, maturity, self-sacrifice, karmic resolve, fruition, and fulfillment. Those I’ve met who have had nine as their life path number tended to be very mature while also carrying significant karmic lessons they needed to fulfill in this life. This will be a year of karmic closure, ending stagnant/toxic relationships, fulfillment, and release because you can’t receive good things if your hands are full!

Numerology & the Tarot

Numerology is an integral element of tarot. In 2024, we had an “8” year — one with a Leo/Aquarius dichotomy. There were themes of discipline vs. perfection, individual vs. collective, and strength vs. surrender. It was about finding our limits while also remembering we are unlimited spiritual creatures.

In 2025, we will now shift into the Virgo/Pisces energies of the Hermit and the Moon, respectively. Themes that surface will involve a balancing of the abstract vs. the details. Getting lost in the fog or lost in the grind? Are they not the same in a way?


In Astrology, Virgo season happens during the harvest. When farmers had to discern between the crops they would trade, the crops they would keep, and the crops, they would extract the seeds from to plant the next year. So Virgo naturally represents seeing between the lines — discernment. Virgo is also a sign of service and medicine, as many would help their neighbors with their crops, and medicinal plants were readily available.

A sign of order, Virgo’s symbol is the virgin holding wheat or grain. In ancient times, before the term “virgin” meant chaste or celibacy, it meant someone who was self-possessed. Virgo was at that time a symbol of the “sovereign” — the self-owned. One who was an authority with emphasis on the prefix “author.” Essentially, it is the part of us (because we all have Virgo in our charts) where we are (or need to be) self-possessed. Virgo represents the details and inflective inner authority of self.


In Astrology, Pisces happens at the end of winter, around Imbolc. It is the last and oldest zodiac sign, representing the spiritual culmination of its predecessors. Pisces season happens during a time of spiritual reverence — of abstraction and reflection, right before the start of spring and the astrological new year.

Represented by the twin fishes held together by a string, they dance in a circular, yin-hang pattern. It’s a zodiac sign that’s all about empathy and the spiritual, and philosophical nature of things. Dreamers, priests, empaths, and philosophers alike all ascend the Piscean ladder of dreams and auguries. As Virgo’s opposite, compliment, and sister sign, Pisces represents the abstract and higher authority of all. It is the part of us that must have faith in a divine authority — or at the very least, a larger life philosophy.

The Hermit

This year, we will request a balance between seeking answers and getting lost in the confusion. The Hermit seeks sovereignty through inflection and paying attention to details — clarity at the center of everything. The wise one others seek guidance from, he keeps his solitude to maintain his connection to Source. He symbolizes the alchemical relative truth.

The Moon

The Moon is the abstraction, the ambiguity that happens when we zoom out and look at the bigger picture in life. The rising above of worldly values and opinions to a higher plane, a connection to Source. She represents rising above the fog, the collective unconscious, and the alchemical absolute truth.

Both represent higher and lower octaves of spiritual connectedness, the truth in all things, as well as our individual, subjective truths. They ask us to avoid getting lost in the details as much as we could get lost in the abstract. They represent the absolute (The Moon) and the relative (The Hermit) truths of reality. That we exist within the dream of God, but we are also active participants in that dream.

What it Means

For 2025, the alchemical dynamic of The Hermit & The Moon means this is a year we must balance thinking for ourselves and going with the desires of the collective. What is true for the group may not reflect your truth. Many will find their “tribe,” while others may break off and find solace in solitude.

This is a year that will test our beliefs and how we balance our collective and individual beliefs. On a lower octave (for those who are not self-aware), there is a risk of getting lost in the vagueness of abstraction (The Moon) or the pedantic details (The Hermit). There will be a dichotomy between the “herd” mentality and exiting the “herd.”

Lunar New Year: Year of the Yin Wood Snake

In Eastern Astrology, the Lunar New Year starts on the second new moon after the Winter Solstice. This occurs between January and February every year. This year, it happens on January 29th.

Many cultures in Asia will celebrate the Year of the Yin Wood Snake (or “Yi Si”/Green Snake in Chinese). The snake is the 6th animal in the Chinese Zodiac and is associated with wisdom, mystery, introspection, and elegance. The wood element has qualities of resilience, flexibility, and forward-looking energy. Combined, this mixes into energies of personal growth, adaptability, and steady progress — as well as long-term growth, and new beginnings.

In Lunar Astrology, 2025 is predicted to be a year of resilience, wisdom, and mindful progress. This is a year of both internal growth as well as investing in relationships — both old & new. It is an auspicious year for those who commit themselves to long-term goals and cultivation. Remaining adaptable will allow for breakthroughs as well as success in the long run.

2025 Astrology: Enter the Change Gods

[Queue the slow, heavy metal music]

In Astrology, the last three planets (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) are known as the “change gods” for a few reasons. One, they are slow-moving. Uranus changes signs once every seven years, Neptune changes signs once only every 14 years, and Pluto changes signs once every 12-30 years. Their slow movement means their energies are felt on a collective level. Two, they are also considered “outer” planets. The closer a planet is to the Sun, the more it’s associated with your personality & personal life.

Even though these planets are distant and slow-moving, they are by no means docile. In fact, they are quite intense. So when they change signs, it is felt on a collective level and is a harbinger of changing times. Two of these change gods — Uranus and Neptune — are changing signs this year!

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto, in their respective ways, symbolize change. Uranus symbolizes the “sudden” changes that happen in our lives — he represents rebellion, ingenuity, eccentricity, brilliant new ideas, revolt, and revolutions. He represents the times in our lives when we experience sudden upsets and/or upheaval and requests for ingenuity and adaptability. Like lightning, Uranus represents sudden upsets as much as he does genius.

Neptune takes that sudden upset and uses it to help us dissolve our old egoic forms. He represents the realm of dreams as much as music, as the etymology of the word “dream” is derived from musical origins. He rules the sea and the fog that rolls inland. His purpose is to connect us to Piscean, lunar, and the spiritual, higher order/consciousness of things. Neptune is the spiritual fog we slip into that helps us liquefy and dissolute old titles and beliefs that would ultimately restrict us.

Then along comes Pluto, god of change, death, transformation, power, and rebirth. He represents the parts of us that die and become reborn. He escorts us through the underworld — where we grieve but do not linger — so we may resurrect anew on the other side.

On March 30th, Neptune will enter fiery Aries (only dipping briefly back into Pisces at the end of the year) and will remain in Aries until 2038. On July 7th, Uranus enters Gemini for most of the year as a sample of what is to come in 2026 when he stays in Gemini until 2032. Last November, Pluto entered Aquarius to stay and will remain in that sign until 2043. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1777-1797. This year, the change gods will all either be in fire or air signs.

But why is any of this important?

It is difficult to understand the meaning behind all of these sign changes unless we look at what happened the last time the planets were in these signs. The last time all three change gods were in the signs they are entering (or have just entered) was during the American Revolution. During this time, America had just claimed her independence from Great Britain and created the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The French Revolution also happened during this time — overthrowing their monarchy and abolishing their feudal system. There were also countless innovations made during this time. The discovery of Uranus, vaccines, hot air balloons, and many other inventions & discoveries were made.

The time before that, when Pluto was in Aquarius, Neptune was in Aries, and Uranus was in Gemini, happened during the Renaissance — when King Henry VIII set up the Church of England, fueling the Protestant Movement.

Additionally, Neptune was in Aries and Uranus in Gemini during the American Civil War. Uranus was also in Gemini during World War II. Neptune suggests upsets with organized religion, while Uranus in Gemini is associated with war, rebellion, and invention. Now that all three planets will be in these intense signs for almost the next decade, it is inevitable that we will see some conflict arise that will affect the world.

Starting this year, we will see a boom in both innovation and invention. There is also a high likelihood of unexpected religious and national revolutions across the world. We will undoubtedly see many changes to organized religion, how society thinks about religion, and an increase in spirituality and spiritual interests. We may also see a reactivity to the spiritual exodus from organized religions, creating additional conflict.

Saturn in Aries

Just two months after Neptune enters Aries in March, Saturn follows suit, putting them close together in a conjunction that amplifies both of their qualities. Saturn and Neptune only meet up once every 37 years or so. It will be particularly significant when they exact this alignment in 2026 because of the rare degree they meet: Zero-Point Aries.

Zero degrees of any cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn) is called “Zero-Point Aries” and is not only felt globally but is a portal to the infinite. These points are special in the zodiac because they are at the moment of either the equinoxes or the solstices. In this case, these two celestial bodies will have a rare alignment on the degree of the Spring Equinox.

Saturn is the planet of karma, restriction, long-term planning, authority, and discipline. When she aligns with Neptune, there is a request to dissolve old dreams to build new ones. A balance between letting go and holding on. On a collective level, we will see ourselves moving out of Covid and into a new spiritual space.

I feel this conjunction is also an omen of new beginnings in our collective relationship with both spirituality and organized religion. Saturn at zero degrees of Aries — the very first degree of the very first sign of the zodiac — signifies the dawn of a new era of beliefs. I also feel organized religion will be reactive to this, and we are likely to see an uptick in religious extremism, fundamentalist religion, theocratic policies, and theocratic movements within the next decade. These are the attempts of those who wish to control others through religious dogma because they are sensing the world moving away from their grasp.

Jupiter in Cancer

Jupiter, the luckiest planet symbolizing joy, expansiveness, abundance, and grandiosity, switches signs and enters watery, nurturing Cancer on June 9th. Jupiter likes being in Cancer and acts like a fairy godmother in this motherly sign. This is a great placement for motherhood, people seeking to have large families, and working from home. Jupiter in Cancer asks you to feel your big feelings and follow your heart’s desire.

2025 Retrogrades

Upcoming Mercury Retrogrades

Mercury is still retrograding in fire signs this year (mostly anyway, with some water sign energy mixed in). However, it’s important to remember that retrogrades — Mercury especially — are overblown. I even wrote a survival guide on how to tackle Mercury retrograde season.

  • March 14-April 17 — Mercury will start retrograding in fiery Aries and end back in Pisces before he stations direct. With this water/fire duo, don’t let your emotions get the best of your temper. Also, don’t be a wet blanket.

  • July 17-August 11 — Mercury will retrograde in Leo, so triple-check any presentations or performance projects you have to present/do during this time. Mercury in Leo likes the spotlight, including any mistakes you make.

  • November 9-29 — Mercury stations retrograde in Sagittarius but ends up in Scorpio when he turns direct. Keeping a sense of humor can heal old wounds or deep scars. Laughter is the best medicine.

Venus Retrograde: March 1-April 12

Venus has the rarest of retrogrades. She only retrogrades once every 18 months for 40 days (or roughly 7% of the time). This year, she retrogrades in both Aries and Pisces, asking us to reassess and heal where we may be impetuous or leap to conclusions. It is also a great time to reassess old beliefs/philosophies about life or even delve into and re-listen to old music on the shelf or in your archives.

Additional Retrogrades

  • Mars will retrograde towards the end of the year (December 6) in Leo and station direct in early 2026. Mars retrograde is a time to review our passions and how we handle our anger

  • Jupiter retrogrades are pretty common, happening at least once a year, or roughly 30% of the time. As of January 1st, he is still retrograding in Gemini but will station direct on February 4th. After he enters Cancer, he will station retrograde again on November 11th and will go direct in early 2026. Jupiter retrograde is a time to inflect on how we grow.

  • Saturn retrograde is also a frequent occurrence, happening every year or about 35% of the time. This year, Saturn retrogrades from July 13th in Aries to November 27th, where she goes direct in Pisces. Saturn retrograde is a time to reassess our karma and break karmic cycles.

  • Uranus retrograde (as with all of the outer planets) is quite often, happening every year for around five months, or roughly 40% of the time. Uranus is currently retrograding in Taurus and will station direct on January 30th. After he moves into Gemini, he will retrograde again on September 6th and won’t station direct until next year. Uranus retrograde is a time of internal changes and self-discovery.

  • Neptune retrograde also happens every year for about five months out of the year — or like Uranus, around 40% of the time. This year, Neptune retrogrades on July 4th in Aries and enters Pisces for the last time in our lifetime. He stations direct on December 10th, and represents a time of mental clarity and dissolving of illusions.

  • Pluto retrograde is the most common, happening once every 5-6 months or about 50% of the time. This year, he retrogrades from May 4th to October 13th in Aquarius. His retrogrades are times of shadow work & internal transformation.

The Nodes of Fate:
Absolute vs. Relative Truth

The Nodes of Fate — the North & South Node — represent the karmic energies we find comfort in and the karmic energy we need to work toward. The nodes aren’t celestial “objects” so much as mathematical points. They are where the moon’s orbit crosses over the ecliptic — the path the sun makes around the Earth. They also always move in a retrograde motion and switch signs every 18 months.

Since 2023, the nodes have been on the Aries/Libra axis, with the north node (the karma we’re striving towards) in Aries and the South Node (the karma we’re comfortable with) in Libra. The past 18 months had themes of self vs. others. On January 11th, they will switch to the Virgo/Pisces axis.

What does this Mean?

With the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo, the collective is being asked to focus on the bigger picture and avoid getting hung up on the details. Virgo is all about the details and subjective truths. Pisces, however, is about dreaming, collective consciousness, abstraction, and looking at things from a higher level. This also means the eclipse will carry these themes, too (because eclipses happen when the Sun & Moon align with the Nodes of Fate).

2025 Eclipses

  • March 14th: Total Lunar Eclipse at 23º of Virgo. With Jupiter in a loose sextile to Venus, this is a jovial (and serendipitous) full moon that asks us to let go of control, the need to plan, and the tendency to overthink in an attempt to solve our problems. Improvising and having a little faith can go a long way.

  • March 29th: Partial Solar Eclipse at 8º of Aries. New beginnings and massive, sudden healings can occur on a collective level at this time. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, so new moons in Aries are even quicker than other new moons. With Venus sitting at 0º Aries and Chiron, the wounded healer sitting at 22º Aries (another point that is felt at the collective level) means powerful, emotional healing can take place. However, there is a risk of being overwhelmed by emotions if you avoid being present with & processing them.

  • September 7th: Total Lunar Eclipse at 15º Pisces. Whereas March’s full moon was about letting go of control, this full moon asks us to release illusions and unrealistic dreams/expectations so we can take control of our goals. This full moon will bring up blocks to your motivation that you need to face. The good news is you will have the energy you need to let go of what was holding you back from getting things done. Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are almost exact in their trine — meaning it will be easy and perhaps almost intuitive to make the changes you need to make.

  • September 21st: Partial Solar Eclipse at 28º Virgo. Just hours before the fall equinox, we have a new moon in the sign of the Virgin. This solar eclipse has an air of destiny about it, as there is a strong kite formation between the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus. This means your beliefs will be put to the test. Saturn and Neptune are almost exactly opposite the Sun and Moon, creating a tug-of-war between manifesting well-laid-out plans and asking to restructure them. Don’t be afraid to refine your ideas!

Channeled Messages

The following is a transcription of channeled messages I received from the Galactic Council (of Lightworkers). This was my first time meeting them, as I normally channel the angels. The Galactic Council is here to help guide humanity on its evolutionary journey to the light. The council is a combination of Starbeings, ascended masters, and other advanced, love-based entities.

The italicized text is the transcription of their messages, and the text that isn’t italicized is my clarification. I’ve also included the audio file below (that was edited & shortened to remove long pauses.)

“2025 is going to be a year of movement. 2024 was a year of reflectivity and gaining strength and understanding of one’s self. We understand that many of you are frustrated with the timeline that you are on. Please understand that the collective as a whole has chosen this. As we have stated before, [for the purpose of helping] you move forward in your timeline, in your reality.

You are greatly loved, and the human race has chosen love. And because you’ve chosen love, that comes with homework for evolution, and that’s why this is happening. The human race is moving forward at an advanced rate toward a more spiritual understanding of the world around it.

[For] the human race as a whole to move forward, the collective pain body (as some of you call it) is coming to the surface for cleansing, so you may be conscious of it and process it. We are very proud of you. We want you to know that this is going to be a year of spiritual progress for many of you. Spontaneous awakenings are going to occur more frequently. And more people are going to be channeling various frequencies that are connected to the higher consciousness and highest good of all — what you would call ‘God.’

However, there are those [who] would try and restrict progress. We want you to know that in [the] long term…growth [for humanity] that will not come to pass. In the meantime, in your lifetimes, you will see disruptions [in] religion and politics that will slowly turn towards and attack spirituality. What you need to know is [that] 2025 is going to have some of the hallmarks for this. This is also why you’ve been getting messages and ‘hits,’ as you call them, on religious fundamentalism moving forward and fear-based dogma. Not just in religion but [in] government as well.

This is key to your growth. The consciousness of the fear and moving through it is what’s key to humanity’s progress. You are moving forward, and the proof of that is through the fear and the difficulties, and the lessons. And the challenges that the human race is going through. 2025 will be a year of slow economic growth. There are shifts that will happen in the long run, but 2025 will be a year of steady progress for many of you.

There will be a brief resurgence of an illness that has already occurred. [I felt something like COVID or Bird Flu or something along those lines] This is coming up as a way of showing how you are no longer triggered by old fears. It will be temporary [I was shown either a vaccine or that it would not last for long — like 3 or 4 months — and be resolved in some way.]

For many who are spiritual, 2025 is going to be a framework year. A year of planning and a year of strategizing. Many of you…are here to do the work of the higher consciousness, the work of light, and lightworkers are here to spread that positivity, and we’ll help you create those structures. In the political arena [in] 2025, with the US, there [are] going to be new ‘strawman’ enemies that will come to the surface for the purpose of everybody teaming up against it. It is the lower frequency’s way of trying to unite people but will not be as effective as it’s been in the past [and I was shown when 9/11 happened and everyone began hating Muslims.]

In 2025, many of you will start to see how humanity has collectively grown. There will also be breakthrough technology that happens towards the very end…[of the year][it felt like an invention of some sort].

There will also be [an] increase in climate issues. In early 2025, there will be excess winter storms [and] heavier snows in areas on average and in places that normally don’t [receive] snow or don’t [receive] that much snow. There will also be earthquakes in East Asia. And the summer will be hotter than normal [they then showed me places in Equatorial South America and Equatorial Sahara that will be hotter than normal this summer as a way of iterating that the Earth needs our help.]

Do not be alarmed; as humans heal, the Earth will heal as well. Because when humans are healing, we work more towards healing the Earth…

2025 is going to show hints of themes to come on a much bigger global scale [regarding] politics and political moves. There will be more intense storms this year than there have been in the past [I was shown Chicago/central time zone and tornado alley in the southeast being hit harder with tornadoes than normal, or tornadoes that were stronger than normal occurring this year.]

The most important reason why we have you up here is to let you know [not to] be afraid and to not let the fear rule you. There will be some regression politically, especially in the latter half of 2025…This is a test for many to not let the fear take hold. Because when you let the fear take hold, you are easily controlled. It is important to be conscious of these things but not to be beholden to them. It is just as much your life as it is a collective experience. When you do not allow…the fear [to] rule you, you begin to elevate and transmute the issue on a spiritual level. This is something that many of you will resonate with moving forward. Because many of you are moving toward spiritual-based lives and can sense energy and how it works more easily than you and your predecessors have [been able to sense] in the past.

Another thing to note is that many of you will start to gain access to memories from your past lives. This is a sign of…human evolution. Please remain curious about your spiritual journey. Explore your…intuition more and know it is a part of you. It is not some gift bestowed externally but a part of your unique nature that wishes to bloom. Please explore [it] in ways that you…resonate with.

The US may toy with the idea of war or threaten war [I was shown as the next administration settles into office that will be more of a way of ‘bullying’ other nations. And challenges/potential conflict/escalation of sorts with China in late summer/early fall.]

2025 is when many in humanity (some of you have already noticed this) are starting to understand that spirituality is becoming much more normalized. We appreciate [how] many of you [are] working on growing and exploring your natural abilities. We want the human race to continue exploring this. Because it increases their empathy and increases their compassion for themselves and…each other. A form and a sign of evolution is understanding one’s pains and the pains of the collective and the collective suffering. The more that you become aware of this, the more that you realize it needs to be healed. And that is the first step to evolving. So please do not see it as suffering, see it as ascension because one cannot heal without understanding what [one needs] to heal.

Important channeled documents will also come out this year [felt like one may come out in the spring, but at least two important channeled documents will come out] by authors that you are aware of, and that will help.

2025 is both a year of growth and also understanding [of] how to remain in your…truth. It is a year of understanding…what’s true for another person and…the reality that they experience is separate from yours, even though [you] are both connected.

2025 is going to be a test of not only your intuition but also your consciousness and if it’s going to be taken by…fear or [if you will] choose to stay conscious and in a space of love. [When I asked what kind of fears, I was shown fear of war, fear of human rights violations, oppressed minorities, etc.…]

[This] doesn’t mean to be ignorant or to stay away from it, it means to not be beholden to it and [not] let [the fear] control you. You can be an active participant in helping others while also not allowing your fear to create anger towards the oppressors. This might be controversial to some, but it is necessary for your growth. To heal your fear as it is the root of your anger. If you are afraid or angry, you are being controlled.

In 2025, UAP experiences will continue. They will be consistent but will [even have] a slow uptick. And there will be people who communicate with some.

[I was shown people communicating with the entities that are connected to the phenomena.] Yes, that’s correct.

[They also said there will be people who will ‘pretend’ and fake communicating with UAPs, and there will be genuine UAP communication.] The way…you can tell that people have correctly and accurately connected with [the phenomena] is the love-based, peaceful, and calming messages that they give us. They are here as cheerleaders and encouraging us in times [when] we might be triggered by great fear. That’s part of the reason they showed up after the US elections because there was a trigger of great fear…[So they’ve] come to help us and help us find peace.

Please know you are collectively moving in the right direction [despite] all that you’re experiencing.

With Love,
The Galactic Council”


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