The State of the Universe
This blog post is a combination of an experience I had during a recent hypnotherapy/past life regression with Karen Burns, as well as channeled messages from Archangel Metatron and the divine feminine through him as a messenger. They urged me this month to channel their messages explaining recent geopolitical events and global shifts.
As I lay back in Karen’s recliner, tears began to flow gently from my closed eyes. I was in the middle of a past life regression, my consciousness in a place that felt…above. Archangel Metatron had guided me to a space that was higher than I had gone before. There, I was surrounded by beings who were representatives of the divine feminine. The Shakti. The Shekinah. Asherah. The Hathors.
“You have chosen love,” she said through her representatives. Yet their words weren’t directed at me specifically but to humanity as a whole. Karen began to weep, too. Hathor and her attendants showed me our collective struggles. That humanity has chosen ascension over falling. I was overwhelmed with a deep sense of love. This emotion was so intense that it rendered me almost speechless. They continued to explain to us that events in the near future will open humanity up to receiving more of their love. God’s love. The origin of love — All That Is.
This is also why humanity’s suffering has become more acute — it has become something we are all too aware of. Much like metal heating up in a crucible, we cannot purify unless our impurities and fears are brought to the surface. We are heating the slag for the sake of its removal — which is necessary for humanity’s transcendence. You cannot heal an issue unless you become consciously aware of it.
As the Hathors showed Karen and me, the proof of our evolution lies in the continued existence of suffering as a collective. Had humanity chosen to fall, complacency and a collective urge to maintain the status quo would reign. And yet, over the last half-century, we have only seen an increase in awareness of human rights and social justice issues. So fear not what you see in the world. We have chosen purification by water — not fire. We have chosen healing, not burning, as our tool for collective cleansing.
Love is created when we heal our fears. We heal our fears by facing them. We face our fears in this reality (alchemize them) through suffering. Suffering is the ultimate tool to awaken us because it creates an opportunity for us to disidentify with the forms we limit ourselves by and the stories we tell ourselves.
Collectively, we are choosing to expedite our lessons. This presents itself in the form of deep suffering and negative events that happen globally. Yes, on a lower octave, some wish to control humanity through fear as a tool. But these hardships that are happening in current times are meant to be tools for the collective awakening.
There are many entities, belief systems, leaders, autocrats, politicians, and people on the global stage who have become archetypal representatives of our fears and pain. They came into power through fear-based narratives, and the collective placed them in power because of their fears. On the surface, this may seem terrible and scary because this will lead to more suffering. But fear not.
This reality works in a way that is influenced more so by intention than the physical action itself. So yes, fear-based intentions will only naturally beget fear-based results. Yet, these entities, figureheads, and leaders have been given power and belief because the collective has, on a spiritual level, chosen to rise. We have chosen to put a metaphorical accelerant on the flame because it is quickening our evolution.
These entities who were placed in their positions out of fear are acting as focus points in the geopolitical arena. Their purpose in these powerful positions is to show us that living and making choices out of fear creates dead ends. Some will choose the dead end because it is their safety zone. Most, however, will see the truth and begin to take their power back from fear and fear-based actions.
Your goal as a lightworker is to remain vigilant of both your thoughts and (especially) fears. As lightworkers, we are here to act as space holders to allow the light (the love of Source) to come in. This is a time for us to practice being present with (remembering we are the consciousness that comprehends) our thoughts. Spirit will create a peace that passes understanding that will come in waves to give us strength to continue to assist the collective in its accelerated evolution. Particularly during times of change for the healers & lightworkers.
Those who are self-aware/quickly evolve tend to experience the tests that the collective is about to learn first. This means that as lightworkers, our fears will be tested, not by genuine emergencies (for the most part), but by events that trigger the fears we need to work on by way of unhealed trauma. A shaking of the tree, if you will.
Those of us who work on becoming conscious of our fears — our egos — will be watched over. No matter what happens during these massive, collective, global shifts — maintaining a higher frequency is what ultimately matters. Spirit exists within and around us. It is infinitely more than our limited perceptions of this physical reality. So, by practicing and remembering to lean on it, we transcend the earthly limitations of our physical world (such as scarcity, lack, and socioeconomic events).
It is our job to actively choose love. This means we must face our fears (and alchemize them). There will be lots of fears that are currently being and will be presented to the collective — like a carrot on a stick — until humanity realizes the powers who rule based on fear are not to be taken seriously. Much like a peacock, fear makes a threat appear much bigger than it truly is.
On a final note, there will also be more UAP sightings in the coming years. They are not meant to frighten us, though the negative frequencies will try to feed that narrative. They are here to encourage us. And as much as many believe them to be aliens, they are more spiritual, loving, and interdimensional in nature. So, see them as signs we’re on the right track and clearing the power we have given away to the fear-based entities and their archetypes.
With Love,
The Hathors, Archangel Metatron, and Amy