Artistic / Mystic
Taking Your Power Back
The events of the last year have been trying, to say in the least. Here’s how you can take your power back in challenging times.
The Great Conjunction
A very special event this month ushers us into the age of Aquarius. Here’s what you need to know.
Church of the Salt Bath
I am the walking-talking, living-breathing, High Priestess of the Church of the Salt Bath in all of my salinated glory — and here’s why.
Life After Death
What happens after we die? Where do we go? What’s waiting for us on the other side?
Healing Your Inner Child
How to spot if you need to do inner child work and guided practices on how to do it.
The State of the Universe
Coronavirus. Toilet Paper. Murder Hornets. Face Masks. Black Lives Matter. What is the spiritual significance of what we’re experiencing with current world events, and what should we do about it?
Spiritual Growth Through Social Distancing
This pandemic has impacted us all in some way — but we can learn some valuable spiritual lessons if we take advantage of it correctly.
The Truth About Twin Flames
What is a twin flame? How do you know you’ve met your twin? Are you a runner? A chaser? Here’s a guide to help you better understand it all.
Showing up for the Universe
Trying to manifest, but it’s taking too long? Here’s how you speed things up.
Beginner's Guide to Crystals
Understanding the metaphysics of stones, minerals and crystals can be intimidating. Here’s your quick & dirty guide to getting to know them better.
The Empath's Guide to the Holidays
It’s that time of year! Friends. Family. Holiday cheer and chaos! Here’s some tips on surviving the holidays, and setting boundaries as an empath.
All Hallow's Eve
Halloween. Samhain. El Día de Muertos. It’s a magical day with many names. You can make it magical for yourself, too.
How to Talk to Your Angels
Yep! Surprise! You can have conversations with your angels. It's just a matter of learning how to listen.
The Art of Giving & Receiving
Learning how to properly give and receive energy is key to finding balance in our lives.